KONDA INTERACTIVE looks at the YOUTH this time.

In the first days of 2019, we shared two interactive modules that we generated based on our Lifestyles survey, which was repeated over a 10 year interval. Now, in this new study, you will have the opportunity to examine young people between the ages of 15-29.


With this module, you will be able to examine the extent to which youth is different from the general public; to determine how the youth of 10 years ago and the youth of today are different from each other; and to understand what the youth of 10 years ago do and think in 2018.

Our YOUTH study is the product of 2 surveys carried out at 10 years intervals in more than 5 thousand households each time and its simple explanatory style will provide you with the opportunity to examine lots of new information to shake up your prejudices.

In our research, we compare the population above the age of 15 with the youth between the ages of 15-29. At the same time, we compare those who were between the ages of 15-29 in 2008 with those who are 25-39 today.

  • Youth is much more educated than the country-wide level, much more modern, much more connected with the Internet, and culturally much more active.
  • The level of faith and the rate of veiling among the youth are also lower than the country-wide level.
  • Today’s youth is more educated and more modern than the youth of 10 years ago; they are also in employment at higher levels.
  • While only one in five young people under the age of 29 years were students 10 years ago, this ratio doubled in 2018.
  • The rate of being single among the youth increased from 60 percent to 75 percent in 10 years.
  • Most importantly, the expectations of the youth have become more positive than 10 years ago.

When you examine our work ‘WHAT HAS CHANGED IN YOUNG PEOPLE IN 10 YEARS?’ you will encounter findings that are out of the ordindary not only about the future of the youth, but also about the future of the society.

We hope that it will be useful!
