Research content is designed and implemented by KONDA in response to incoming requests and needs. The general framework of the research content is as follows under 3 headings.
Political Research: since 2010, we have been periodically measuring political preferences through the monthly KONDA Barometer surveys, as well as providing political measurement and consultancy services with special surveys tailored to the demands of individuals and organizations. These surveys can be designed on a country, province or district scale upon request. These surveys can be conducted not only to understand voting preferences and voter behavior before elections, but also to assess services, opinions on the political environment, and to understand the wishes and expectations of the public.
Institutional Research: The research we conduct for corporations or their brands fills the gaps in areas where market research that focuses on individuals only through their consumer identity is insufficient. We try to make sense of the relationships between organizations and individuals on a sociological basis. In this regard, we carry out studies on the following axis:
Perception and Reputation Research
Customer clustering/segmentation
Customer profiling
Problem identification
Social responsibility needs analysis
Social impact analysis
Employee satisfaction
Smart city applications consultancy
Social Structure Research: It aims to understand the factors that shape the demographic structure, ideas, values, fears and expectations, daily lives and political views of the society in Turkey. While all of these studies are aimed at understanding society, some focus on specific social groups such as youth, women or minorities, while others focus on specific issues such as the Kurdish issue, women's issue, citizenship, human rights.
KONDA utilizes the experience of nearly one million interviews conducted over 30 years in its field studies aiming to produce quantitative data. Nevertheless, each field organization is treated as a new experience and new methods are developed if necessary.
KONDA can only undertake the field implementation of any research process that it can comply with within the scope of its professionalism and ethical standards.
KONDA does not use subcontractors at any stage of any research. Each stage of the research is conducted and realized by KONDA.
Sample design:
The scale of the fieldwork and the standards to be applied are determined together with the researcher. Field methods are transparent but inflexible and autonomous. KONDA discusses and decides with experts, not with clients, on how any social research can be conducted reliably and soundly in these lands.
Survey design:
A conceptual framework is prepared for the research topic, the main issues to be examined in the research are revealed and a questionnaire is prepared. A desk study or literature review is conducted prior to the research. The questionnaire form is made ready for fieldwork after being revised, if necessary, through pilot applications and feedback from the client.
Assignment and training:
A field team consisting of provincial officials, team chiefs, surveyors, controllers and data intruders is formed and each is trained.
Sampling fidelity:
The success of a survey can only be possible if the fieldwork is carried out in the most accurate and loyal manner to this sample, as well as the sensitivity of the sample.KONDA conducts fieldwork that is 100% loyal to the representative sample in its survey studies. In spite of everything, we try to go to the village or neighborhood that needs to be visited according to the sample and get the opinions of the people living in that region.
Quick fieldwork:
The vast majority of field work begins and ends in a single weekend. Field work is completed as soon as possible, especially since events can develop rapidly in politics and society's views can change.
Face-to-face interviews:
KONDA conducts all of its political research exclusively through face-to-face interviews. Personal identity information of the respondents is not requested.
Control mechanism:
Each field staff member, regardless of his/her experience and relationship with the organization, is subjected to a 3-legged control mechanism by phone during the field and by logic and street checks after the field. Surveyors who fail to pass this process are removed from the data set.
Due to the restrictions brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, we could not conduct face-to-face surveys in households for a while. During this time, we developed the Mediated Panel method, which will ensure sample representation and ensure the reliability of the data we collect. With this method, we started to collect data from a large pool that would voluntarily participate in KONDA researches, again with statements based interviews. With this method, we can measure the change in perceptions and practices of social clusters over time with the data we collect from the same or similar subjects. The sample calculation, data control mechanism and representation of this method are exactly the same as the field surveys we conducted in households.
KONDA supports its quantitative research experience with qualitative studies. We prefer a qualitative approach and conduct in-depth interviews when the findings of surveys conducted in Turkey in general or in a specific population specific to the organization indicate that we need to understand the opinions and approaches of a certain segment of the population in more depth, or when we need more in-depth information due to the duration and number of questions in face-to-face interviews conducted in households. These interviews add much more realistic dimensions to judgments about society. Whether it is to understand the reflections of political outcomes in the minds of individuals or to categorize the customers of a private organization into clusters, the in-depth interview method allows us to see the masses as individuals.
Interview design:
Preliminary work is done on the scope and questions for the in-depth interview, and the purpose and flow of the interview are determined. If necessary, a pilot study is conducted to redesign the interview.
Interviewee profile:
In-depth interviews are conducted with those who fit the targeted demographic / sociological cluster profile among the people we reach during the surveys and are based on the principle of representativeness. Acquaintances, relationship networks and references are not used.
Interviews in households:
In-depth interviews are conducted in people's own households and may be audio recorded depending on the nature of the project. Personal information such as names and addresses are not recorded.
Data mining
While data mining has always existed in the basic sciences or in the world of finance, it has also been present in the social sciences for a long time. However, since the digitalization of information and the introduction of the internet and social media into our lives, data mining has taken on a different meaning, and it has become a more important skill to turn mountains of complex data into meaningful information that is useful for your business, to be able to get into data sets as they grow, and to make sense of them.
We generate new information from the KONDA Data Warehouse, which consists of data we have generated ourselves until now, by data mining publicly available data or the customer's own data in line with the customer's needs and a defined purpose.
KONDA has the ability and experience to collaborate with anyone who can analyze any data on society together.
Data visualization/ Information Architecture
No one wants to spend a long time to hear a single word anymore. It is necessary to explain multidimensional information with a multidimensional approach.
We first design and structure the entirety of interrelated findings that emerge in any research like an architect and then visualize them for a concise and simple expression. This visualization is neither just a visual design nor just data analysis.
Research Process
KONDA, in line with your needs and by talking to you;
Determines what you want to learn and whose opinion you want to get
Determines how many people should be interviewed within the framework of budgets
It prepares a questionnaire, whether it is a survey of thousands of people or long interviews with a specific group. Shares it with the customer, gets approval.
Sample/Population Identification
The views of the entire population of the country, a certain demographic group or a certain segment of the population may be sought to be determined. Whichever is the case, a sample is prepared to ensure the most realistic representation. The sample may have a statistically measurable equivalent, such as a group of voters, or it may describe a group that has never been measured before. Sampling may sometimes require innovation. The aim is always to be able to represent the set of society described.
Fieldwork is carried out by adhering to sampling. The difficulty of the field process is a matter independent of the sensitivity of the sample. Regardless of the scale, each of the fieldwork steps is based on the mechanism of "checking, proving and vindicating integrity". This mechanism involves all layers of the field team. In KONDA fieldwork, sometimes the control of a job can be more expensive than the job itself. The aim is accurate representation and real information.
The data collected from the field can be long notes from a qualitative study or large tables from a large survey... The resulting data is analyzed. They look at the data, the notes, the scattered information that emerges. It is looked at again, one by one, together, with experts. It is also mentally verified for accuracy. Then, each layer is analyzed. They come together again and try to make sense of what the data is saying as a whole.
Insights and findings emerge from the collective interpretations of everyone looking at the data. These are compiled into a report. The report can be presented in different scales according to the needs of the customers. Sometimes it can be a presentation with a very refined summary, sometimes a workshop where all analyses can be shared, sometimes a comprehensive file sent by cargo.
Strategy / Commentary
Ultimately, the aim is to reveal in the most accurate way the defined information that a client wants to know about society.
KONDA can also provide strategic support in light of the information it produces for you. Our aim in this service, which we carry out as management consultancy, is to describe the path ahead of you. In doing so, we share our knowledge, your knowledge and our experience. Of course, what we undertake with strategic support is a geographical map rather than a treasure map. KONDA can help you how to read the geographical map and how to find your way. However, you should be the one to know where the treasure is.
The primary method that KONDA always uses in all research and information gathering processes that you need is honesty. Impartiality and honesty guide KONDA's work not only as principles but also as methods.
KONDA acts with integrity and technocratic principles to meet a client's professional standards.
The difficulty of the field process is a matter independent of the sensitivity of the sample.
Even if the survey is conducted online with a defined group, contact details are not shared with anyone, including the customer.
KONDA itself finds and determines the personnel involved in fieldwork. Surveyors, team chiefs, provincial supervisors and controllers work exclusively for KONDA. There can be no third party organization between any personnel and KONDA. KONDA does not use subcontractor teams in any fieldwork.
Regardless of the scale, each of the fieldwork steps is based on the mechanism of "checking honesty, proving honesty and rewarding labor". This mechanism involves all layers of the team, from the top to the bottom. In KONDA fieldwork, sometimes the control of a job can be more expensive than the job itself. The aim is accurate representation and real information.
However, the overall goal is always to ensure that you can see ahead when faced with chaotic masses.